Glass Waste Diversion Program

Diverting waste from the landfill is a continuous effort that can be addressed by creating more opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Keep Blount Beautiful’s NEW Glass Recycling Diversion Program (GWDP) was created to better utilize the glass waste generated from Maryville restaurants and bars that is currently being buried in the Blount County landfill.

Each day, an average of 447 tons of waste enters our landfill, including glass waste that does not biodegrade and could be reused.

Sustainable waste disposal is a major priority at Keep Blount Beautiful (KBB), and Blount County’s glass recycling program creates an opportunity for KBB to play an active role in diverting waste from the landfill.

Funded by the Arconic Foundation, the GWDP will allow KBB to pick up glass waste from participating businesses and deliver it to the Blount County Recycling Center, managed by the Blount County Highway Department since 2022. The Blount County Highway Department’s unique glass recycling program collects glass from Blount County residents and various other sources and pulverizes the waste material on-site. The byproduct is then stored to use as a substitute for aggregate, shoulderstone, pipe bedding, underlay, and more in local projects. Since collection started in September 2022, over 354,430 lbs of glass waste has been diverted from the Blount County Landfill. Access to this pulverized glass product allows the county to reduce the use of natural resources, save taxpayer money, and extend the life of the landfill.


How can residents participate?

Blount County Recycling Center- 331 Levi St. T, W, TH, S 8 AM- 4:30

Glass is accepted at the Blount County Recycling Center in the blue bin labeled Glass Only. Please remove caps and lids from glass items. Laminated glass, pottery, and porcelain are not accepted.


The Glass Waste Diversion Program is funded by the Arconic Foundation. In kind sponsors include Epic Nine Marketing and Maryville College. Program partners include Bella, Amici, Southland Books and Cafe/The Bird and the Book, RT Lodge, Downtown Maryville Alliance, and the Blount County Highway Department.

Sponsors and Partners